Born in Vienna, Austria.
After graduating as a teacher for Art Education, further studies including:
oilpainting, oil/mixed media (oil on egg-tempera underpainting), drawing nudes, ceramics, etc.,
2 years of private study with Prof. Michael Fuchs (studies of nature, drawing nudes),
2003 - 2008 yearly painting workshops with Wolfgang Männer at Reichenau in Lower Austria,
and since 2009 working in her own studio.
Some Highlights:
1994 illustration of Robert Janes` first poet book,"vorausgeschickt" ("sent in advance")
1997 illustration of Robert Janes`second poet book, "Entpuppt" ("Revealed")
2002 art exhibition at Greillenstein Castle, Lower Austria
2006 - 2008 yearly art show at Kelmarsh Hall, Northhamptonshire Great Britain
2007 "Couple of Angels" painting is sold by auction in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, for "Licht ins Dunkel" (Austria`s most famous Charity)
2010 art exhibition "Angels, Do They Exist?" at the Viennese gallery R2
2012 art exhibition "Celeste" at the Viennese district`s museum in Kagran
2014 first auto calendar in limited edtion for a private Rolls Royce Club in Germany
2017 art exhibition at Wieselburg in a "Puppet museum", Lower Austria
2021 Book presentation as a Co- author of her father`s biography "Franz Veitschegger- My life for railway"
2024 art exhibition "VERY BRITISH" at Art&TWEED in Reichenau an der Rax, Lower Austria